Well, Ron and I are just about moved in to our new place. Rather, we're completeley moved in just not organized. Last Saturday (was it really only one week ago) we moved every piece of stuff that we managed to collect over the course of a few years into our new apartment. We were so fortunate to have alot of help that made it much more manageable and everything was moved in 4 hours! (that means out of the old and loaded into the new) Today, Ron and I (mostly Ron) finished cleaning out the old apartment and cleaned it up. We dropped off our keys and Ron took a few moments to reflect on the time we spent in our old place. Here's some pictures of the new place. 

You can see some of our paint job, the new place is very close to Westfield which is wonderful! I went there today and visited WIlliams-Sonoma and bought and overpriced sifter and had lunch with friends. (All while poor Ronald-o slaved away in Piscataway). I've got to find a way to make that one up...maybe sausage soup?
But best of ALLLLLLL Jon and Katie came to visit! Hurray it was wonderful to see them and their sweet and adorable baby..ahem..little boy, Erich! Good times!