July 7, 2007

Monmouth Battle Map

Well this map is probably a little confusing but it's hard to put everything on one map! Lets see if i can describe this thing piecemeal. You can click the map to make it bigger.

Ok lets orient the map to you. Bottom left corner is the visitor center where the re-enactment occurs. Aqua line tells you where water is. The black line is 522/Freehold Road.

In the morning of June 28th Charles Lee's advanced force withdrew from attacking the British. The withdrawal was turning to a rout when Lee met Washington just beyond the 522 bridge on the east side. (approx spot shown as yellow X.) Washington admonished Lee and took over putting in place a holding force (shown as 3 blue lines on east side of bridge) (this fighting was very fierce; Col. Monckton British Army was killed, highest ranked officer killed in the battle. You can currently see his grave in Tennet Church cemetery) and then took the rest of the army to the west of the bridge on Perrine Hill. (shown by 5 blue bars on west side of bridge) The rearguard units held the British long enough for Washington to finish regrouping and themselves withdrew across the bridge shown by blue arrows heading torwards Perrine Hill. By mid-day the Americans and British were facing each other on each side of the bridge. This is when the artillery duel began. The largest artillery duel of the war. It went on for several hours. at the same time the British attempted to flank the americans. (shown by 2 red bars. The northern most unit was spotted and quickly withdrew. The unit directly to the east of the Americans came under strong artillery shelling and then attacked with a forced of picked men (shown by blue arror angling torwards the creek away from Perrine Hill.) By the time the Americans pushed all British to the East of the bridge they were alos able to set up artillery on Combs Hill were the visitor center currently is. The made the British position untenable. At this point the British withdrew but being the end of the day and all troops spent the battle came to an end. By morning the Brish had snuck off to continue towards sandy hook.

For some more history on the battle see another of my posts.

1 comment:

Mary and Rose said...

ok well, i didnt want to comment something totally unrelated on one of nikkis posts, because that would be mean. But, me and rose have a thingy and you shuold look at the post i just put, its about our day which was pretty amazing. anyway.
our like incase you want to know is: